Wessel, Sven, and Jorine’s paper is now published in Biophysical Reports! Find the link under publications. Congrats to all authors!
Wessel, Sven, and Jorine’s paper is now published in Biophysical Reports! Find the link under publications. Congrats to all authors!
Jorine attended the Biophysical Society Meeting in Los Angeles, where she presented a poster, gave a talk, met many new and old biophysics friends, and saw lots of cool new work. Grateful for the travel award that supported attendance!
Welcome to Sven and Kerrie, 2 new master students in the lab!
Kerrie is in the Medical Epigenomics program here at Radboud University, and will work with Luuk. After completing his BSc internship in our team in 2023, Sven also started in the Medical Epigenomics program, and is back for his master internship working with Wessel.
Sjoerd finished his MSc internship, and with that his Master of Science in medical biology! Congratulations Sjoerd!
And with one MSc internship ending, another begins. Marian Barandica Graciani stars her MSc internship in our team. Welcome to the lab Marian!
Two new preprints from the lab are online. PhD student Wessel’s work on measuring cellular mechanics with optical tweezers (with contributions from BSc student Sven) and postdoc Wojciech’s work in collaboration with the Spruijt lab. Check them out under publications!