Congratulations to Sven for defending his thesis and finishing his internship, and with that his Bachelor of Science in Molecular Life Sciences! Sven is planning to continue with a Master degree in Science and Society. All the best from the Eeftens lab!

Jorine attended the LUMICKS C-trap user meeting in Amsterdam at Lumicks HQ and presented the latest work in the lab. It was great meeting new people and familiar faces at this excellent meeting!

Letitia Fernandez finished her master internship in the lab in 2022, but now graduated from the Master of Science program in Medical Biology with a specialty in Medical Epigenomics. Jorine had the honor of being the first to congratulate her and hand her the diploma. Congratulations Letitia, and all the best as you continue your scientific journey!

Welcome to Aleid Vogels, who started her Master internship today. Aleid is in the Chemistry of Life MSc program at the Radboud University. Welcome Aleid!

Luuk represented the lab at the Dutch Chromatin Meeting in Amsterdam and presented a poster.